The thyroid gland and the breast have an advanced system for absorbing and storing iodine. When there is iodine deficiency, the breast and the thyroid glands enlarge to compensate for the deficiency. The iodine deficiency induces hyperplasia, which is a precancerous lesion. This sets the stage for a disease like breast cancer.
Dr David Brownstein’s book, Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It (2009), gave me knowledge of yet another piece of the puzzle of why I developed breast cancer.
Two years prior to the discovery of the lump in my breast I was feeling very tired. Initially I thought it was just the stress of moving to a new house in a different part of the city, but after a year my condition was still the same. I then suspected that this could be caused by my hormones that needed balancing and/or an under active thyroid.
I went to see a medical doctor who was having success in treating patients with bio identical hormones. He started by carrying out various blood tests, which showed that my adrenals were exhausted. He also found that my thyroid reading (though still within the parameters of the medical chart readings) was on the low side. The doctor prescribed bio-identical hormones for the thyroid as well as for the adrenals.
I started to feel better almost immediately. But what I didn’t know at that stage (as Dr David Brownstein explains in his book) is that you should always supplement with iodine when you take thyroid medication. Ideally, the iodine deficiency needs to be corrected before the thyroid hormone is given. The reason for this is that with the thyroid medication, the body’s metabolic rate increases and therefore also the need for iodine.
In other words, if the thyroid hormone is given, while there is a deficiency of iodine, it will increase the body’s need for iodine
I take small amounts of Lugol’s Iodine Solution (two drops) together with a very low dose of thyroid medication daily to help my thyroid to function as normal. You can also get iodine from some foods, like seaweed and fish.
The Functions of Iodine in the Body.
Iodine is important to your thyroid for the production of thyroid hormones, but it also plays a role in the production of all the other hormones in the body. Even though a person only needs small amounts of iodine, it surprisingly also has antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antiviral and even anticancer properties. Adequate iodine levels ensure that the immune system functions properly.
According to Dr Brownstein, (2009)3 “Every cell in your body contains and utilizes iodine. Iodine is concentrated in higher concentrations in the glandular system of the body. The thyroid gland contains a higher concentration of iodine than any other organ of the body.”
A useful read about the functioning of the thyroid is found in the article How does the thyroid work? by Pubmed Health, (2015, January )4. The article explains that:
The thyroid gland produces three hormones: triiodothyronine or T3, thyroxine or T4 and calcitonin. T3 and T4 increase the basal metabolic rate. They make all of the cells in the body work harder, so the cells need more energy too. This has the following effects, for example:
- Body temperature rises
- The heart beat becomes stronger and the pulse faster
- Food is used up more quickly because energy stored in the liver and muscles is broken down
- Brain maturation is promoted (in children)
- Growth is promoted (in children)
- Activation of the nervous system leads to higher levels of attention and quicker reflexes
Iodine plays a role during all phases of human development, even before birth. Expectant mothers should ensure that their thyroid levels are optimal to ensure normal growth of the fetus and prevent birth defects.
Normal functioning of the thyroid gland is vital for the growing child, in order to prevent mental development problems. Both children and adults need adequate iodine intake to prevent hypothyroidism and even hyperthyroidism. Iodine must be present in the diet or, if needs be, supplemented.
B. Iodine Deficiency and Breast Cancer
Aceves, Anguiano and Delgado (2005)5 report that:
Diets high in iodine are associated with low breast cancer rates. The authors suggest that iodine might prevent abnormal growth and division of breast cells, but further research is still needed to confirm this. A deficiency of iodine has been found to influence the occurrence of many cancers, especially stomach and breast cancers. Many researchers have attributed the low rate of breast cancer in Japan to high dietary iodine (as well as selenium).
Michael B. Schachter, MD, (2005)7 states :
The role of iodine in the body goes far beyond its function of making thyroid hormones. Other possible functions include: helping to regulate moods, preventing cancer (especially in breasts, ovaries, uterus, prostate and thyroid gland). He states, “All things considered, I think that the therapeutic use of iodine/iodide has the potential of drastically changing how medicine is practiced today”.
It is always advisable to consult with a qualified health practitioner who can guide you on dosages suitable for your body, health condition and lifestyle.
My book: “Cancer Healed Naturally” describes in detail every natural method that I follow to heal from breast cancer 10 years ago.